Monday, January 26, 2015

The NFL is now on YouTube and Google Search

Every year you’ve searched for “NFL” on Google Search and YouTube more and more, and now, we can scream like the loudest, body-painted fan: GAME ON!

It’s pretty simple: On any screen you watch YouTube, NFL’s YouTube channel will bring you the sights and sounds this week in Arizona, from pre-game analysis to the highlights that everyone will be talking about. After the Super Bowl, don’t let the worst Monday of the year get you down. NFL’s YouTube channel will post more videos all through the offseason.

And when the 2015-2016 season kicks off, you can get right back to watching more “no way he caught that” plays from Odell Beckham Jr., more “no way he completed that” throws from Aaron Rodgers, and analysts telling you which players on the Patriots can boost your fantasy football score. And you can find it all instantly, just with a simple Google search for any team.
We’re thrilled to hit the gridiron with you for Pats-Seahawks, and for all the excitement in the season to come. Enjoy the game on Sunday.

Tim Katz, Sports Partnerships Manager, recently watched “Russell Wilson 2014 season highlights.”

Monday, January 19, 2015

About the most important archaeological sites in Jordan Jordan River

نهر الأردن 
About the most important archaeological sites in Jordan

Jordan River

يعتبر البعض نهر الأردن نهرا جولانيا، خاصة أن روافده الحاصباني والوزاني وبانياس واللدان، كلها تنبع من جبل حرمون وسفوح هضبة الجولان وتسير محاذيه للجهة الغربية للهضبة. وتلتقي هذه الروافد مع نهر اليرموك حيث يبدأ نهر الأردن بغزارة مياهه التي أصبحت مصدرا لا بد منه لكافة المشاريع المائية للأردن وفلسطين.

Some consider the Jordan River Gaulinaa rivers, especially the tributaries of the Hasbani and Wazzani and Banias and Alldan, all stem from the slopes of Mount Hermon and the Golan Heights and going adjacent western side of the plateau. And these tributaries converge with the Yarmouk River, where the Jordan River begins profusely waters that have become a source must for all water projects in Jordan and Palestine.

About the most important archaeological sites in Jordan Dead Sea

البحر الميت 
About the most important archaeological sites in Jordan

Dead Sea

إلى الجنوب الغربي من عمان، وعلى مسافة 55 كيلومترا منها تقع أكثر بقاع الأرض انخفاضا عن مستوى سطح البحر.. إنه البحر الميت، الذي عاش عبر الحقب التاريخية المتعاقبة، ليصبح من أكثر المناطق جذبا للسياح ،الباحثين عن الدفء في فصل الشتاء، والطبيعة الخلابة، والغرابة التي تتجسد في بحر لا كائن حيا فيه بسبب كثافة أملاحه، لكن في مياهه المالحة علاج للكثير من الأمراض، ومازال الناس يستشفون في هذه المياه منذ آلاف السنين. كما أن أملاح البحر الميت تكون المواد الخام لإنتاج البوتاس وأملاح الاستحمام العلاجية، والمنتجات التجميليه التي يتم تسويقها في مختلف أنحاء العالم.

To the south-west of Amman, and at 55 kilometers distance away lies the most parts of the earth, down from sea level .. It is the Dead Sea, who lived across historical eras successive, to become one of the most attractive tourist areas, seeking warmth in the winter, and beautiful nature, the strangeness that is embodied in a sea in which the object is not alive because of the intensity of its salts, but in its salty waters cure for many diseases, and people still see signs in these waters for thousands of years. The Dead Sea salts are the raw materials for the production of potash and bath salts therapeutic, cosmetic products which are marketed throughout the world.