Monday, September 30, 2013

Stan Winston School is September’s On The Rise partner!

Congratulations to the entire team at Stan Winston School, our featured “On The Rise” partner for the month. Their videos are in the spotlight on the On The Rise homepage and the YouTube Spotlight channel today.

Founded more than four years ago, the Stan Winston School of Character Arts in many ways carries on Stan’s own legacy as a contributor to some iconic films including "Jurassic Park," "Iron Man" and "Avatar." The school’s various courses, webinars and workshops are led by some of Hollywood’s best artists and technicians. Whether you’re interested in seeing behind-the-scenes effects from "Terminator 2" or you’ve always wondered about the evolution of "Jurassic Park"’s raptor suits, this channel has content that’s bound to entertain and educate. And Halloween is just around the corner--if you need costume ideas, you might want to check out this Iron Man suit built by a 16-year-old!


Here are a few words from Matt and Erich:
Thank you from all of us at Stan Winston School! We're honored to have been selected as a YouTube "On the Rise" Channel and it wouldn't have been possible without the support of our awesome community of Creature FX fans. We hope this spotlight brings even more awareness to the magic behind the movies, and inspires a new generation of artists to create their own fantasy characters. Long live monster making!
If you’ve enjoyed this monthly blog series and are interested in learning more or participating, we encourage you to visit our On The Rise homepage. You can check out all of our past featured partners on the Featured Partners tab, or nominate a YouTube partner to be considered for the program on the Nominate tab. Feel free to submit nominations for your own channel, or for channels you follow that you think deserve more attention or could be the next YouTube sensation. We’ll continue to feature promising partners who drive YouTube watch time, have fewer than 100,000 subscribers, and produce engaging content on a regular basis.

Christine Wang and Devon Storbeck, YouTube Partner Support, recently watched "Spencer’s Home Depot Marriage Proposal."

Friday, September 27, 2013



Gallery 2




Monday, September 23, 2013

The Pharaonic Village

The Pharaonic Village

Take a step back in time; about three thousand years back, to be exact. Just a few miles from the center of Cairo is a time machine waiting to take you on a fantastic journey to the days of the Pharaohs, a time brought to life by an incredible group of actors and actresses, faithful and exact reproductions of buildings, clothing, and lifestyles; and of course, the redoubtable Dr. Hassan Ragab and his son Dr. Abdelsalam Ragab. They have worked for over twenty years to create the most precise living recreation of the golden days of Pharaonic Egypt, and now he invites you to join him on this fascinating journey to the past.
                                    The Pharaoh and His Court Greet You at the Temple
At the Pharaonic Village, visitors sail on comfortable motorized barges down a network of canals and view incredibly accurate tableaux of the recreation of ancient Egyptian life. Though the city of Cairo surrounds the island, not a trace of it penetrates the thick wall of trees planted around the island. Sights include recreations of industries, games, arts, and moments from history and legend. Services such as cafeterias, boat rentals, a children's playground and a restaurant that serves both Egyptian and European dishes help to make your stay even more enjoyable.

The temple above is only one example of the exacting details that have gone into making the past come to life at the Pharaonic Village. Over a hundred actors and actresses perform all the daily activities and arts of the ancient Egyptians, including agriculture, pottery, sculpture, weaving, and much more. Everyone that would have existed in an ancient Egyptian city is here in the modern recreation, from pharaohs to fishermen, from potters to priests. Because of this attention to detail, the Pharaonic Village is more than education and entertainment, it is a vital resource in the preservation of our knowledge of the ancient world.
The Pharaonic Village is a must-see for any visitor to Egypt, whether scholar of Egyptian history and culture, or casual tourist. It is an excellent complement to a trip before going to Aswan and Luxor, but just as awe-inspiring and enjoyable in and of itself. Come with us on a journey through time to the rich and exciting age of the pharaohs.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

king khafre

king khafre Fourth Dynasty / old stateThe name of the pharaoh: Kha F Ra / Khafre / Khvrn named means: "Transfiguration such as Ra"Rule of 25 - 29 years oldKing Khafre is the fourth pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty kings who ruled Egypt in the Old Kingdom, a son of King Khufu. And was married to Princess berths Ankh.Mention of was Maniton sentenced twenty-six yearsArcheologists found in the valley temple on its hierarchical collection of schist stone statues, including a statue is one of the most beautiful produced Egyptian sculpture, it is located in the Egyptian Museum, and is also credited with carving rock (sphinx)
Find coffin of King Khafre in Spanish watersNews 05/23/2008 Year 56 number 17502 for news titled [Find coffin of King Khafre in Spanish waters Alaa Abdul-Hadi wrote:Farouk Hosni approved and the Minister of Culture on the formation of a working group of archaeologists and divers in Egypt and Spain headed by Dr.. Zahi Hawass Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities to implementation of the first joint venture with the Spanish government for exploration and the search for the coffin of King Khafre, made of basalt, which sank off the Spanish coast, specifically in front of the city 'Cartagena' historic early nineteenth century while being transported from Egypt to England to do some studies and scientific research . Said Dr.. Zahi Hawass that conducted a comprehensive study outlining the shipwreck site 'Beatrice', which was carrying the coffin in 1838 .. He pointed out that he agreed with 'Bob pillared' discoverer of the ship 'Titanic' as one of the discoverers of the bone to be within the mission, which will research and exploration. Explained the Egyptian ambassador to Spain Yasser Murad said the project will begin later this year.*******************************Statue of King KhafreAl Jazeera Net BC 05/10/2005 story titled [Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt denies crash statue of KhafreDenied the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt health news published in newspapers Cairo yesterday for breaking a small statue of King Khafre existing Egyptian Museum, stressing that the statue in proper condition which does not belong to King Khafre, and there is no any inscriptions refer to it.The Secretary General of the Council Zahi Hawass was recorded third cumulative effects in the store museum, which exceed its collection of 65 thousand pieces from Pharaonic times successive explained Hawass was processing 33 storage effects in the Egyptian capital and other cities rich in monuments "to preserve it and protect it in accordance with international standards for such kind of stores. "

الملك خفرع

عصر الأسرة الرابعة / الدولة القديمة
أسم الفرعون : خع أف رع / خفرع / خفرن اسمه يعني : "التجلي مثل رع"
حكم من 25- 29 سنة
والملك خفرع هو رابع ملوك فراعنة الأسرة الرابعة الذين حكموا مصر فى عصر الدولة القديمة ، وهو ابن الملك خوفو . وكان متزوجاً من الأميرة مراس عنخ.
يذكر المؤرخ مانيتون أنه حكم ست وعشرين سنة
عثر الأثريون في معبد الوادي الخاص بمجموعته الهرمية على تماثيل من حجر الشست، بينهم تمثال يعتبر من أجمل ما أنتجه فن النحت المصري، وهو موجود بالمتحف المصري، وينسب له أيضا نحت صخرة تمثال (أبي الهول)
البحث عن تابوت الملك خفرع في المياه الإسبانية
الأخبار 23/5/2008م السنة 56 العدد 17502 عن خبر بعنوان [ البحث عن تابوت الملك خفرع في المياه الإسبانية ] كتب علاء عبدالهادي:
وافق فاروق حسني وزير الثقافة علي تشكيل فريق عمل من خبراء الآثار والغواصين بمصر واسبانيا برئاسة د. زاهي حواس أمين المجلس الأعلي للآثار لتنفيذ أول مشروع مشترك مع الحكومة الاسبانية للتنقيب والبحث عن التابوت الخاص بالملك خفرع المصنوع من البازلت والذي غرق قبالة السواحل الاسبانية وبالتحديد أمام مدينة 'قرطاجنة' التاريخية اوائل القرن التاسع عشر أثناء نقله من مصر إلي انجلترا لإجراء بعض الدراسات والابحاث العلمية. وصرح د. زاهي حواس بأنه اجري دراسة شاملة حدد فيها موقع غرق السفينة 'بياتريس' التي كانت تقل التابوت عام 1838م.. مشيرا إلي انه اتفق مع 'بوب بيلرد' مكتشف الباخرة 'تايتانيك' بوصفه احد المكتشفين العظام ليكون ضمن البعثة التي ستقوم بالبحث والتنقيب. أوضح السفير المصري لدي اسبانيا ياسر مراد ان المشروع سيبدأ نهاية العام الحالي.
تمثال الملك خفرع
الجزيرة نت ق5/10/2005 م عن خبر بعنوان [ المجلس الأعلى للآثار بمصر ينفي تحطم تمثال خفرع ]
نفى المجلس الأعلى للآثار في مصر صحة الخبر المنشور في صحف القاهرة أمس عن كسر تمثال صغير للملك خفرع موجود بالمتحف المصري، مؤكدا أن التمثال في حالة سليمة وهو لا يخص الملك خفرع ولا يوجد عليه أية نقوش تشير إلى ذلك.
وأضاف الأمين العام للمجلس زاهي حواس أنه تم تسجيل ثلث الآثار المتراكمة في مخزن المتحف الذي تتجاوز مقتنياته الـ65 ألف قطعة أثرية من العصور الفرعونية المتعاقبة وأوضح حواس أنه تم تجهيز 33 مخزنا للآثار في العاصمة المصرية ومدن أخرى غنية بالآثار "للحفاظ عليها وحمايتها وفق المواصفات العالمية لمثل هذا النوع من المخازن".

Monday, September 2, 2013

El Alamein World War II

About two hours from Alexandria, Egypt, tourists can visit one of the most important battlefields and memorials of World War II in North Africa.65 years ago, the final battle took place between Axis and Allied forces for dominance of North Africa. The winner would control the Suez Canal - the sea route from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean - and much of the Middle East.
Many Young soldiers died from both sides…for what …!! I don't know,for a passion of politicians wanted to expand their empires on dead bodies…. Maybe ..or for what!!!??
Today, the Alamein is mostly a port facility for shipping oil. However, it was once described by Churchill as having the best climate in the world. There are several hotels and a beach resort nearby). There is also a war museum with collectibles from the Battle of El Alamein and other North African battles. The only historical interest in this village would be related to WW II, and includes an Italian and German military cemeteries on Tell el-Eisa Hill just outside of town.
Cemeteries that commemorate the battles and the men → Italian, German, British, Canadian, New Zealand, South African, Australian, Egyptian, and others→ who served and died here. 
El Alamein World War II Military Museum:

The museum was opened in the year 1956, during the presidency of Gamal Abdel Nasser.It was built as a memorial of the Battle of Al Alamein , between the British and the Germans in 1942, and the battles that took place in South Africa during the Second World War.
Al-Alemein War Museum was renewed and reopened in 1992, during the presidency of Mubarak. The museum is one of the best places to visit in order
to achieve an understanding of the story of World War II in Egypt .

A tour of the small military museum begins outside, with displays of tanks, aircraft, jeeps, mines, and other armaments and wrecks from World War II's North African campaign,Inside the El-Alamein Museum, a low-tech diorama of
North Africa shows the various campaigns. A tape recording tells the story with scratchy old music of World War II newsreels, while flashing lights identify the regions on the map.
1- El Alamein Commonwealth war graves:

These graves were erected in honor of the Allied (This includes soldiers from any country or race who fought as part of the allied army) soldiers who died in the battle of Alamein, they still hold memorial service every year by the families of these soldiers.
2-The British Cemetery : 
Most of the soldiers were British 8th Army led by General Montgomery. The Battle began on October 23, 1942 and lasted until November 4th. In all, 35,476 British and Commonwealth soldiers lost their lives in the three years of the North African campaigns of WW II.
3-The German Cemetery :
The German Cemetery is a fortress-like memorial that was built on a high hill overlooking the sea… it was Erected by the German government in memory of the German soldiers who died at the battle of Alamein, this is an interesting piece of architecture, there is an awesome view when you go right to the top. Most of the soldiers buried here are German Afrika Korps lead by General Erwin Rommel . In all, 21,994 German soldiers lost their lives in the three years of the North African campaigns of WW II.

4-The Italian Cemetery at El Alamein:

The Italian Cemetery is a high tower fort standing on a tall hill, with walls covered in marble.Most of the soldiers buried here are Italian from the 10th, 20th and 21st Italian Army Corps lead by General Erwin Rommel. In all, 22,569 Italian soldiers lost their lives in the three years of the North African campaigns of WW II.