Monday, August 26, 2013

Temple of Hatshepsut

Deir el-Bahari temple of HatshepsutThrough this temple will learn many aspects of the life of the Egyptian Queen
The temple and tomb of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el bahari Western Thebes went out engineer named Sanmot from the norm in the construction of temples funeral, Valmabd built on terraces along the lines of the temple and tomb of King Mentuhotep II months Dynasty XI of the Middle Kingdom, which is located on the same region.
 The Queen Hatshepsut in the history of Egypt special status so that her father, King Tuthmosis I did not have children of his legitimacy, but Hatshepsut did not beget a son inherited the throne after him, but Tuthmosis II, but the wife of an illegal was one of the maids pursued owners science and know-how of the priests of Pharaoh to call Bththomps third this king after he married his sister to his father, Hatshepsut, when their father died King Thutmose first.
 In fact, the Queen Hatshepsut was the owner of the right to the throne, and for that lived her husband Tuthmosis II under the shadow and she Her influence and power and it goes without saying that the queen faced stiff opposition from members of the royal family and the priests and senior people to govern the country alone, is well known that low Egyptians not accustomed to see on the throne, a woman, and therefore agreed to a solution that embraced everyone by her and repeated the problem again when he did not beget King Tuthmosis II and a son only going after the death of King Tuthmosis II took advantage of Queen Hatshepsut opportunity and announced tutelage the boy King Thutmose III later, and stood beside her strong party led by Sanmot supervisor of the royal palace and on his property and even the daughter of Queen named Nfroraa, and the Sanmot this a big role in the time of Queen Hatshepsut, particularly during the period of usurpation of the throne and away the king Thutmose III about the life of governance
 and politics throughout Temple starts accidentally contoured sides statues Queen in the form of sphinxes as planted palm trees and pools of papyrus on the sides and turning the mountain into a green oasis, although after the height of the valley, and then skipped the patio downstairs and balcony first climb one boiling yard upper overdraft then also to the path upward is located in the end lounge on the right or what is known lobby of birth, and on the left depicted a cruise to the country Bont, and to the left of the lobby of Birth built on the cabin of the gods Hathor goddess of the mountain and to the right of the lobby Bont built
compartment of Anubis god of the cemetery, while the lobby of Birth Vsourt on the walls story ratios Queen Hatshepsut to the god Amun directly desiring to assert their right to the throne, we see from the writings and images how to accept the god Amun to God Tut (god of wisdom and knowledge) asking him about Queen Ahmuse which will become later the mother of Hatshepsut great
 ha god Tut in front of God the Great, accompanied by god to them, after that wearing Amon uniforms King, enters Amon on the Queen in the image of the King finds the queen sleeper but in
the fragrance of God horrified and seeks to god delighted grant god his heart, and having spent the night together predict God that gave it the daughter would become Queen of the house, because it is at the heart of the god Amun, and when Hatshepsut generate bless her gods and exaggerate described in texts and assert their right to Royal.

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