Monday, December 30, 2013

Meet Wranglerstar: Your December On The Rise featured partner

Congratulations to Cody Crone of Wranglerstar, our featured “On The Rise” partner for this month. You’ll see his channel and videos in the spotlight on the On The Rise homepage and the YouTube Spotlight channel today.

Cody is a YouTube partner who left his "old city life" behind to explore the great outdoors. His channel also features his family and offers laughs along the way as he gives great advice to new wranglers. From T-shirts to axes, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for from a channel dedicated to country living. You can find out what a day in Cody’s life looks like, how you can live a sustainable lifestyle and learn all about the best tools to use.


Here are a few words from Cody:
In 2010 we made the decision to leave behind our comfortable, urban lifestyle in exchange for a primitive homestead in the rugged mountains of the Pacific Northwest. In the beginning, YouTube was a convenient way for us to share our adventure with friends and family. Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine that such a diverse and engaging community would take an interest in our channel. I've always said that the Wranglerstar channel has the best subscribers on YouTube. We are honored and humbled to have been chosen as YouTube’s “On The Rise” partner for December 2013. Thank you--we are truly blessed. We appreciate the opportunity YouTube has provided for us to live and share our modern homesteading dream.

If you’ve enjoyed this monthly blog series and are interested in learning more or participating, we encourage you to visit our On The Rise homepage. You can check out all of our past featured partners on the Featured Partners tab, or nominate a YouTube partner to be considered for the program on the Nominate tab. Feel free to submit nominations for your own channel, or for channels you follow that you think deserve more attention or could be the next YouTube sensation. We’ll continue to feature promising partners who drive YouTube watch time, have fewer than 100,000 subscribers, and produce engaging content on a regular basis.

Christine Wang and Kat Sahr, YouTube Partner Support, recently watched “CELL PHONE CRASHING at the AIRPORT!”

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Surprise! YouTube is now on Roku

Who doesn’t love a good surprise? Probably most of the victims of our most watched Pranks of 2013. But as for the rest of you, we’ve got one more surprise for you in 2013: we’re bringing you the YouTube app (or “channel” in Roku-speak) today on the Roku 3 in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Republic of Ireland.

This surprise is packed with features like:
  • HD streaming: Finally see how intense Red Bull’s videos look on your TV.
  • “Send to TV”: Control YouTube on Roku from that sick new phone you just got, turning your TV into your personal JumboTron. Just connect your device to the same Wi-Fi as your Roku.
  • Your subscriptions on TV: Sign in to YouTube and easily get your subscribed channels on your TV like PTXOfficial.
Check out their video to learn more and download the YouTube channel for Roku today.

Sarah Ali, Product Manager, recently watched, “YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?”

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kom-Ombo Temle

Kom Ombo 
Located in the town of Kom-Ombo, about 28 miles north of Aswan, the Temple, dating to the Ptolemies, is built on a high dune overlooking the Nile. The actual temple was started by Ptolemy VI Philometor in the early second century BC. Ptolemy XIII built the outer and inner hypostyle halls. The outer enclosure wall and part of the court were built by Augustus sometime after 30 BC, and are mostly gone. There are also tombs from the Old Kingdom in the vicinity of Kom-Ombo village.

The Temple known as Kom Ombo is actually two temples consisting of a Temple to Sobek and a Temple of Haroeris. In ancient times, sacred crocodiles basked in the sun on the river bank near here. The Temple has scant remains, due first to the changing Nile, then the Copts who once used it as a church, and finally by builders who used the stones for new buildings.

Everything is duplicated along the main axis. There are two entrances, two courts, two colonades, two hypostyle halls and two sanctuaries. There were probably even two sets of priests. The left, or northern side is dedicated to Haroeris (sometimes called Harer, Horus the Elder) who was the falcon headed sky god and the right to Sobek (the crocodile headed god). The two gods are accompanied by their families. They include Haroeris' wife named Tesentnefert, meaning the good sister and his son, Panebtawy. Sobeck likewise is accompanied by his consort, Hathor and son, Khonsu.

Foundations are all that are left of the original Pylon. Beyond the Pylon, there was once a staircase in the court that lead to a roof terrace. The court has a columned portico and central altar. There is a scene of the King leaving his palace escorted by standards. Near the sanctuary is a purification scene. On either side of the door to the pronaos are columns inscribed with icons of the lotus (south) and papyrus (north), symbolizing the 'two lands' of Egypt.

In the southwest corner of the pronaos is the one column that does not echo the duality of the temples. Here, there are scenes depicting purification of the King, his coronation and his consecration of the Temple. The ceiling has astronomical images.

The hypostyle hall has papyrus capitals on the columns. Here, there is an inventory of the scared places of Egypt, the gods of the main towns and the local and national festivals.
In the anti chamber, there are scenes depicting the goddess Seshat launching the building of the temple, followed by a scene of the completed temple with the king throwing natron in a purification ceremony. The staircase leading to the roof is all that remains of the offering hall.

Statues to the gods and the builders of the temple once occupied the net room just before the sanctuaries. The ceiling of the pure place to the north still remains with an image of Nut. There is little left of the sanctuaries.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Gods of Ancient Egypt -- The Legend of Osiris

The Legend of Osiris

The Legend of Osiris is one of the most ancient myths in Egypt, and it was central to the ancient Egyptian state religion. The myth establishes Osiris' position as god of the dead and lord of the underworld, and Horus' (and thus all the pharaohs) right to kingship. It also demonstrates the powers and duties of the other major gods as well as setting up the Great Adversary, Set. Yet oddly enough, we have yet to find a complete version of the story. What we have has been cobbled together over many years from many different documents and sources. What I have presented here is my own attempt at restructuring one of the oldest stories in the world.

              Isis, her husband Osiris, and their son Horus, the protagonists of the Osiris myth

It is an old story, but it is one of what Neil Gaiman calls the "Great Stories." The Great Stories are part of the core human experience and never change except in the most superficial ways. They defy any attempts to rewrite them with drastic changes, always returning to their original forms. The setting might be modified depending on who's telling it, the characters have different names, but fundamentally, it's still the same story. 
A version of the Osiris myth exists in every culture: the just king murdered by his cruel brother, only to be avenged by the prince who follows in his father's footsteps. Sometimes the dead king is rewarded for his upright ways and gains great reward in the next life. We find its echoes in nearby civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans, in far-off Japan and China, in Christianity, even in Shakespeare, where the avenging prince is named Hamlet. Take another look at it, you'll see what I mean. Enjoy the story.
O my brothers and my sisters, gather around me that I may tell the tale of the Before-Time, of the Golden Age when the gods walked upon the earth with us. Know then that in those ancient days, long before even the grandfather of our Pharaoh's grandfather was born, Osiris the great-grandson of Ra sat upon the throne of the gods, ruling over the living world as Ra did over the gods. He was the first Pharaoh, and his Queen, Isis, was the first Queen. They ruled for many ages together, for the world was still young and Grandmother Death was not as harsh as she is now.
His ways were just and upright, he made sure that Maat remained in balance, that the law was kept. And so Maat smiled upon the world. All peoples praised Osiris and Isis, and peace reigned over all, for this was the Golden Age.
Yet there was trouble. Proud Set, noble Set, the brother of Osiris, he who defended the Sun Boat from Apep the Destroyer, was unsettled in his heart. He coveted the throne of Osiris. He coveted Isis. He coveted the power over the living world and he desired to take it from his brother. In his dark mind he conceived of a plot to kill Osiris and take all from him. He built a box and inscribed it with wicked magic that would chain anyone who entered it from escaping.

                                                                Isis nursing  Horus

Set took the box to the great feast of the gods. He waited until Osiris had made himself drunk on much beer, then challenged Osiris to a contest of strength. Each one in turn would enter the box, and attempt, through sheer strength, to break it open. Osiris, sure in his power yet feeble in mind because of his drink, entered the box. Set quickly poured molten lead into the box. Osiris tried to escape, but the wicked magic held him bound and he died. Set then picked up the box and hurled it into the Nile where it floated away.
Set claimed the throne of Osiris for himself and demanded that Isis be his Queen. None of the other gods dared to stand against him, for he had killed Osiris and could easily do the same to them. Great Ra turned his head aside and mourned, he did not stand against Set.
This was the dark time. Set was everything his brother was not. He was cruel and unkind, caring not for the balance of Maat, or for us, the children of the gods. War divided Egypt, and all was lawless while Set ruled. In vain our people cried to Ra, but his heart was hardened by grief, and he would not listen.
Only Isis, blessed Isis, remembered us. Only she was unafraid of Set. She searched all of the Nile for the box containing her beloved husband. Finally she found it, lodged in a tamarisk bush that had turned into a mighty tree, for the power of Osiris still was in him, though he lay dead. She tore open the box and wept over the lifeless body of Osiris. She carried the box back to Egypt and placed it in the house of the gods. She changed herself into a bird and flew about his body, singing a song of mourning. 
Then she perched upon him and cast a spell. The spirit of dead Osiris entered her and she did conceive and bear a son whose destiny it would be to avenge his father. She called the child Horus, and hid him on an island far away from the gaze of his uncle Set.
She then went to Thoth, wise Thoth, who knows all secrets, and implored his help. She asked him for magic that could bring Osiris back to life. Thoth, lord of knowledge, who brought himself into being by speaking his name, searched through his magic. He knew that Osiris' spirit had departed his body and was lost. To restore Osiris, Thoth had to remake him so that his spirit would recognize him and rejoin. Thoth and Isis together created the Ritual of Life, that which allows us to live forever when we die. But before Thoth could work the magic, cruel Set discovered them. He stole the body of Osiris and tore it into many pieces, scattering them throughout Egypt. He was sure that Osiris would never be reborn.

Yet Isis would not despair. She implored the help of her sister Nephthys, kind Nephthys, to guide her and help her find the pieces of Osiris. Long did they search, bringing each piece to Thoth that he might work magic upon it. When all the pieces were together, Thoth went to Anubis, lord of the dead. Anubis sewed the pieces back together, washed the entrails of Osiris, embalmed him wrapped him in linen, and cast the Ritual of Life. When Osiris' mouth was opened, his spirit reentered him and he lived again.

Yet nothing that has died, not even a god, may dwell in the land of the living. Osiris went to Duat, the abode of the dead. Anubis yielded the throne to him and he became the lord of the dead. There he stands in judgment over the souls of the dead. He commends the just to the Blessed Land, but the wicked he condemns to be devoured by Ammit.

                                             Horus and Set as supporters of the king

When Set heard that Osiris lived again he was wroth, but his anger waned, for he knew that Osiris could never return to the land of the living. Without Osiris, Set believed he would sit on the throne of the gods for all time. Yet on his island, Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, grew to manhood and strength. 
Set sent many serpents and demons to kill Horus, but he defeated them. When he was ready, his mother Isis gave him great magic to use against Set, and Thoth gave him a magic knife.
Horus sought out Set and challenged him for the throne. Set and Horus fought for many days, but in the end Horus defeated Set and castrated him. But Horus, merciful Horus, would not kill Set, for to spill the blood of his uncle would make him no better than he. Set maintained his claim to the throne, 
and Horus lay claim himself as the son of Osiris. The gods began to fight amongest another, those who supported Horus and those who supported Set. Banebdjetet leaped into the middle and demanded that the gods end this struggle peacefully or Maat would be imbalanced further. He told the gods to seek the council of Neith. Neith, warlike though wise in council, told them that Horus was the rightful heir to the throne. Horus cast Set into the darkness where he lives to this day.
And so it is that Horus watches over us while we live, and gives guidance to the Pharaoh while he lives, and his father Osiris watches over us in the next life. So it is that the gods are at peace. So it is that Set, wicked Set, eternally strives for revenge, battling Horus at every turn. When Horus wins, Maat is upheld and the world is at peace.
 When Set wins, the world is in turmoil. But we know that dark times do not last forever, and the bright rays of Horus will shine over us again. In the last days, Horus and Set will fight one last time for the world. Horus will defeat Set forever, and Osiris will be able to return to this world. On that day, the Day of Awakening, all the tombs shall open and the just dead shall live again as we do, and all sorrow shall pass away forever.
Lo, this is my tale. Keep it in your hearts and give it to others, as I gave it to you.

Gods of Egypt

 Gods and Mythology of Ancient Egypt 
Man's first gods were the forces of nature. Terrifying and unpredictable, they were feared rather than revered by our ancestors. Yet while much of the world was in darkness, worshiping cruel incarnations of natural forces, a river valley in Africa held a people who followed a different path. They worshiped gods that were beautiful to behold, luminous beings that walked the earth, guiding the human race to Paradise. They had human forms but were much more powerful; yet like humans, they got angry, despaired, fought with one another, had children, and fell in love. They lived lives that were very much like those of the people who worshiped them, the ancient Egyptians.

They were gods to be feared yes, as all gods are, but they were also gods to be loved. What's more, the Egyptians enjoyed talking about the gods. Like the gods of the Greeks and Romans, the Egyptian gods seemed to be made for storytelling. There were tales to educate, tales to entertain, and tales with morals, and in those stories, the gods didn't seem so far away and unreachable. It was comforting to hear that the gods also wept for those they had lost, to hear about the gods laughing, to learn that the gods faced many of the same problems that the people did, albeit on a grander scale. In learning about the gods on such an intimate level, the Egyptians could better relate to the universe around them.

The ancient Egyptians practiced a belief system that was part totemism, part polytheism, and part ancestor worship. There were numerous gods, but rather than living on an isolated mountain or in an unreachable heaven, many of them lived invisibly in the mortal world, acting through sacred sites, items, animals, or even chosen people. Furthermore, the spirits of the deceased, if remembered and honored, could aid and guide the living from the Afterlife.

Here we will explore the religion of the ancient Egyptians, how it evolved, how it affected their lives and their development as a civilization. But most importantly, we will try to understand a people through what they believed and in doing so, give them that which they sought most: immortality.

Abdeen palace museum complex


Abdeen Palace Museum Complex, Cairo, Egypt 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

YouTube Rewind: What you watched in 2013

A Norwegian Army Dance Troupe. An Epic Split. The Fox. And a Rap Battle with an 18th century Austrian composer.

As 2013 comes to a close, these are some of the videos, channels and moments that shaped our year. While each annual list is unpredictable (what's up, Mr. Miley Cyrus impersonator), trending videos just get bigger each year. And with 80 percent of all views on YouTube coming from outside the U.S., the global community is driving pop culture unlike ever before.

You watched The Fox more than 275 million times, making it the top trending video of 2013. You also made it a top searched Halloween costume, and you’ll maybe even read it as a children’s book. You turned out in record-setting numbers to see PSY’s post-"Gangnam Style" performance. You even made more “Harlem Shake” videos than there are people in Manhattan (1.7 million videos if you’re counting).

To celebrate all these moments, more than 60 top creators on YouTube got together and made a little video for everyone:

Here are the top trending and music videos for 2013:

Top Trending Videos for 2013
1. Ylvis - "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)" by tvnorge
2. "Harlem Shake (original army edition)" by kennethaakonsen
3. "How Animals Eat Their Food" | MisterEpicMann by MisterEpicMann
4. "Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Chatroulette Version)" by SteveKardynal
5. "baby&me / the new evian film" by EvianBabies
6. Volvo Trucks - "The Epic Split feat. Van Damme" by VolvoTrucks
7. "YOLO (feat. Adam Levine & Kendrick Lamar)" by thelonelyisland
8. "Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise" by CarrieNYC
9. "THE NFL : A Bad Lip Reading" by BadLipReading
10. "Mozart vs Skrillex. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2" by ERB

Top Music Videos for 2013
1. PSY - "GENTLEMAN M/V" by officialpsy
2. Miley Cyrus - "Wrecking Ball" by MileyCyrusVEVO
3. Miley Cyrus - "We Can't Stop" by MileyCyrusVEVO
4. Katy Perry - "Roar (Official)" by KatyPerryVEVO
5. P!nk - "Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess" by PinkVEVO
6. Robin Thicke - "Blurred Lines ft. T.I., Pharrell" by RobinThickeVEVO
7. Rihanna - "Stay ft. Mikky Ekko" by RihannaVEVO
8. Naughty Boy - "La La La ft. Sam Smith" by NaughtyBoyVEVO
9. Selena Gomez - "Come & Get It" by SelenaGomezVEVO
10. Avicii - "Wake Me Up (Official Video)" by AviciiOfficialVEVO
... see even more top music videos.

Check out the YouTube Rewind 2013 channel for even more top lists of the year from around the world, and stay tuned at next week for Google's annual look at the people, places and events that captured the world's attention this year.

Kevin Allocca, Head of Culture and Trends, recently watched “Making of YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?”

Friday, December 6, 2013

Help us select December’s 'On The Rise' partner!

On The Rise is a monthly program where we introduce four YouTube partners whose channels drive significant watch time but haven’t yet reached the 100,000 subscriber mark. Thanks to your help, we’ve identified four channels this month who are getting close to reaching that threshold.

You can help these partners get even closer to reaching that 100,000 subscriber milestone. Check out their videos below, vote for your favorite here, and one of these candidates will have the opportunity to be featured across YouTube later this month. In addition to your votes, each channel will be evaluated on criteria such as viewer engagement and channel optimization techniques to decide which partner we’ll feature.

In past months, featured On The Rise partners like Buzz60 and Thundermist Lures have gained subscribers and seen their watch time grow due in large part to your support. This month’s poll will be open until December 12, 5 p.m. PT, so don’t forget to vote for your favorite channel. Check back to see which channel will be featured on December 30.

Ever think about changing your urban lifestyle and moving to the mountains to start homesteading? If you’re not ready to take the plunge, you can follow Cody and his family’s adventures living in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. They moved from the city in 2010 and have videos on everything from composting to building a log cabin.


Highlighting the top prep basketball players with an emphasis on central Ohio, videographer and curator Ty covers games, tournaments and events. If you’re interested in high-school-level basketball, you should know this channel.


Brian and Carly started a vlog channel to capture their crazy lives as they juggle being professionals and parents to little Eliana and their dog Peanut. Become a “Cribster” and check out their channel for a look into their “Crib.”


If you’re looking for fun and educational music videos to entertain your kids, come on over to Patty’s channel. She has children’s songs in a variety of different music styles and even has some videos in sign language and Spanish.


If you’re interested in participating or have suggestions for partners you think should be featured, we encourage you to visit our On The Rise homepage. You can check out all of our past featured partners on the Featured Partners tab, or nominate a YouTube partner to be considered for the program on the Nominate tab. Feel free to submit nominations for your own channel, or for channels you follow that you think deserve more attention or could be the next YouTube sensation. We’ll continue to feature promising partners who drive YouTube watch time, have fewer than 100,000 subscribers, and produce engaging content on a regular basis.

Devon Storbeck and Christine Wang, YouTube Partner Support, recently watched “The Time You Have (In JellyBeans).”

Monday, December 2, 2013

Introducing Buzz60, our November On The Rise featured partner

Congratulations to the team over at Buzz60, the channel featured as our “On The Rise” partner this November. The channel and some of their best videos are featured today on our On The Rise homepage as well as the YouTube spotlight channel today.

The small team of journalists, reporters, producers, writers, editors and directors who make up Buzz60 know that time is precious in today’s world. Their videos each bring you 60 seconds on topics people are currently talking about--all with a fun and fresh perspective. Whether it’s celebrity news about a real-life Ken and Barbie encounter, news about a street-legal electric Tron "lightcycle," or a report on a couple who took “Breaking Bad”-themed engagement photos, you’ll find these news bites relevant and entertaining. This small team works at a fast pace, so you’ll be able to come back daily for another dose of the day’s buzz.


Here are a few words from Buzz60:
Every day we work hard to deliver the tastiest video snacks that are timely, quirky, a little sassy and always smart. Our news segments are made specifically for our fast-paced world, with an edge and never boring. From a dead cat turned helicopter to Miley’s latest antics, our newsroom loves scouring the web, social media and water cooler convos to find and deliver stories that you’ll want to share with your friends and family. Our team is honored to be YouTube’s November 2013 On the Rise Channel and we have you, our fans and subscribers, to thank. Buzz60 -- Now you know, pass it on.

If you’ve enjoyed this monthly blog series and are interested in learning more or participating, we encourage you to visit our On The Rise homepage. You can check out all of our past featured partners on the Featured Partners tab, or nominate a YouTube partner to be considered for the program on the Nominate tab. Feel free to submit nominations for your own channel, or for channels you follow that you think deserve more attention or could be the next YouTube sensation. We’ll continue to feature promising partners who drive YouTube watch time, have fewer than 100,000 subscribers, and produce engaging content on a regular basis.

Christine Wang and Devon Storbeck, YouTube Partner Support, recently watched “The First Walk on the Ice.”

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Announcing TED’s 2014 Ads Worth Spreading

What makes a good ad? In some cases, it’s a striking image. In others, a funny premise. There’s no formula, but most memorable ads all have something in common: they tell a story worth sharing. 

Sharing is at the heart of the YouTube experience. From Metro Trains’ Dumb Ways to Die and TNT’s Dramatic Surprise to Chipotle combining powers with Willie Nelson, many of the most popular videos on YouTube are from brands that understand the power of great storytelling and creating content people choose to watch and share.

To recognize videos like these, YouTube is once again teaming up with TED’s Ads Worth Spreading initiative to celebrate the year’s most creative and notable ads. The award is given to the brands and agencies creating innovative ads that people can’t stop sharing.

Thirty of the most creative minds in the ad world, like those behind the videos above, along with TED speakers including Sarah Kay and Alanna Shaikh, will help find and nominate 2013’s most noteworthy ads. Winners will be announced during the annual TED conference in March 2014 (for more information, check out the full list of nomination teams and advocates).

As part of our involvement, we’ll add a viewer’s choice component to the nominated videos. We’ll rank the most popular videos based on actual YouTube views using the methodology behind our YouTube Ads Leaderboard, which publishes the most watched and shared ads on YouTube each month.

For insights into what makes an ad worth spreading, check out this article and interview video. Or just watch the playlist of last year’s winning ads. Combined, these ads have been viewed more than 140 million times on YouTube.

Tara Levy, Managing Director of Ads Marketing for Google and YouTube, recently watched “Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test 6).”

YouTube is on Xbox One

Love YouTube? Love Xbox? You can now watch your favorite videos and channels with the YouTube app for Xbox One. Check out videos in 1080p glory (Slip and Slide LAUNCH RAMP anyone?), catch the latest videos from your subscriptions like Polaris, or see trending videos from categories like Music and Sports.

The YouTube app for Xbox One also makes it easier to find and watch whatever you want:
  • Voice - Control the app just by saying "YouTube" wherever you are in the app. Commands like play, pause, and fast forward will instantly pop up on screen.
  • Gesture - Grab the screen to scroll through videos, and use your hand to pick which one you want to watch.

Need something to keep you going through these last few hours before Xbox One arrives? Check out all the game trailers you’ll play soon, or any of the hundreds of thousands of unboxing videos already on YouTube.

Emmanuel Saint-Loubert-Bié, Engineering Manager, and Luke Bayes, Staff Web Developer, recently watched “Stereotypes: Madden.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



Several people have requested some information on the goddess Isis. I will already say that there is much more to know an learn about Isis than I habe posted. This is just an overview of who she was and her story. jope you enjoy. C.C. 

Isis originally known as "Aset" or "Iset" is a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, 
artisans and the downtrodden, but she also listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats, and rulers. Isis is often depicted as the mother of Horus, the hawk-headed god of war and protection (although in some traditions Horus's mother was Hathor). Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children.

The name Isis means "Throne". Her headdress is a throne. As the personification of the throne, she was an important representation of the pharaoh's power. The pharaoh was depicted as her child, who sat on the throne she provided. Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the Sky, and she was born on the fourth inter calary day. She married her brother, Osiris, and she conceived Horus with him. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Using her magical skills, and with the assistance of Thoth, she restored his body to life after having gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set. It was believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of the tears of sorrow which Isis wept for Osiris. 
A later myth, tells the story of Anubis, the god of the underworld. The tale describes how Nephthys was denied a child by Set and disguised herself as her twin, Isis, to seduce him. The plot succeeded resulting in the birth of Anubis. In fear of Set's retribution, Nephthys persuaded Isis to adopt Anubis, so that Set would not find out and kill the child. The tale describes both why Anubis is seen as an underworld deity (he becomes the adopted son of Osiris), and why he could not inherit Osiris's position (as he was not actually the son of Osiris but his brother Set), neatly preserving Osiris's position as lord of the underworld. It should be remembered, however, that this new myth was only a later creation of the Osirian cult who wanted to depict Set in an evil position, as the enemy of Osiris.
The most extensive account of the Isis-Osiris story known today is Plutarch's Greek description written in the 1st century BC. 

In that version, Set held a banquet for Osiris in which he brought in a beautiful box and said that whoever could fit in the box perfectly would get to keep it. Set had measured Osiris in his sleep and made sure that he was the only one who could fit the box. Several tried to see whether they fit. Once it was Osiris's turn to see if he could fit in the box, Set closed the lid on him so that the box was now a coffin for Osiris. Set flung the box in the Nile so that it would drift far away. Isis went looking for the box so that Osiris could have a proper burial. She found the box in a tree in Byblos, a city along the Phoenician coast, and brought it back to Egypt, hiding it in a swamp. But Set went hunting that night and found the box. Enraged, Set chopped Osiris's body into fourteen pieces and scattered them all over Egypt to ensure that Isis could never find Osiris again for a proper burial. Isis and her sister Nephthys went looking for these pieces, but could only find thirteen of the fourteen. Fish had swallowed the last piece, his penis. She created a golden phallus, with the help of Thoth, and attached it to Osiris’s body. She then transformed into a kite and with the aid of Thoth’s magic conceived Horus the Younger.

Yet another set of late myths detail the adventures of Isis after the birth of Osiris's posthumous son, Horus. Many dangers faced Horus after birth, and Isis fled with the newborn to escape the wrath of Set, the murderer of her husband. In one instance, Isis heals Horus from a lethal scorpion sting. She also performs other miracles in relation to the cippi, or the plaques of Horus. Isis protected and raised Horus until he was old enough to face Set, and subsequently, became the pharaoh of Egypt.

It was said that Isis tricked Ra into telling her his "secret name," by causing a snake to bite him, for which only Isis had the cure. Knowing the secret name of a deity enabled one to have power of the deity. The use of secret names became central in many late Egyptian magic spells. By the late Egyptian historical period, after the occupations by the Greeks and the Romans, Isis became the most important and most powerful deity of the Egyptian pantheon because of her magical skills. Magic is central to the entire mythology of Isis, arguably more so than any other Egyptian deity.
Isis had a central role in Egyptian magic spells and ritual, especially those of protection and healing. In many spells, she also is completely merged even with Horus, where invocations of Isis are supposed to involve Horus's powers automatically as well. In Egyptian history the image of a wounded Horus became a standard feature of Isis's healing spells, which typically invoked the curative powers of the milk of Isis.

The first written references to Isis date back to the Fifth Dynasty. During the Old Kingdom period, Isis was represented as the wife or assistant to the deceased pharaoh. Thus she had a funerary association, her name appearing over eighty times in the pharaoh's funeral texts (the Pyramid Texts). This association with the pharaoh's wife is consistent with the role of Isis as the spouse of Horus, the god associated with the pharaoh as his protector, and then later as the deification of the pharaoh himself. But in addition, Isis was also represented as the mother of the "four sons of Horus", the four deities who protected the canopic jars containing the pharaoh's internal organs

Friday, November 8, 2013

Meet your November “On The Rise” nominees!

In our monthly On The Rise program, we identify four partners whose channels drive significant YouTube watch time but haven’t yet reached the 100,000 subscriber mark. This month, with your help, we’re sharing with you four dedicated partners who are getting quite close to hitting that milestone so you can help give them a chance to jumpstart their audience development and channel growth. The nominees this November are on a strong trajectory, building watch time and subscribers through the engaging bowling, music, news, and scrapbooking videos they showcase on their respective channels. 

Here’s where you come in--you actually have the chance to help push these partners even further on YouTube. Review their videos below, vote for your favorite here, and one of these candidates will have the opportunity to be featured across YouTube later this month. In addition to your votes, each channel will be evaluated on criteria such as viewer engagement and channel optimization techniques to decide which partner we’ll feature.

In past months, featured On The Rise partners like StanWinstonSchool and thundermistlures have gained many subscribers and seen their careers take off, in large part due to your support. This month’s poll will be open until November 14, 5 p.m. PT, so don’t forget to vote for your favorite channel. Check back to see which channel will be featured on November 30.

Struggling to get a bowling score over 100? The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) has almost 600 videos dedicated to coaching tips, live events, and interviews to help improve your game.


This band hails from the U.K. and if you don’t already know what womping is, they’ll teach you. The trio just released their new single, "Ravo," which you can preview below.


You’re busy, and the Buzz60 team knows you may not always have time to watch the morning news or crack open the paper. Their channel is chock-full of newsy video “snacks” that you can consume quickly and share easily.


The holidays are fast approaching and what better way to capture those special moments than with a scrapbook. Megan shows you how to use different techniques and tools to create memorable works of art.


If you’re interested in participating or have suggestions for partners you think should be featured, we encourage you to visit our On The Rise homepage. You can check out all of our past featured partners on the Featured Partners tab, or nominate a YouTube partner to be considered for the program on the Nominate tab. Feel free to submit nominations for your own channel, or for channels you follow that you think deserve more attention or could be the next YouTube sensation. We’ll continue to feature promising partners who drive YouTube watch time, have fewer than 100,000 subscribers, and produce engaging content on a regular basis.

Devon Storbeck and Christine Wang, YouTube Partner Support, recently watched “YouTube Challenge - I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy 2013.”

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Turning comments into conversations that matter to you

Let’s say you’re enjoying Lindsey Stirling or Epic Rap Battles’ latest video and want to join in the conversation. Would you rather see comments from people you care about (including Lindsey or ERB themselves), or just whoever in the world was last to post?

We told you recently that better commenting is coming to YouTube. Starting this week, when you’re watching a video on YouTube, you’ll see comments sorted by people you care about first. If you post videos on your channel, you also have more tools to moderate welcome and unwelcome conversations. This way, YouTube comments will become conversations that matter to you.

Here’s more detail about the new YouTube comments powered by Google+:
  • Comments you care about move to the top: You’ll see posts at the top of the list from the video’s creator, popular personalities, engaged discussions about the video, and people in your Google+ Circles. You can still see the most recent comments by switching from “Top Comments” to “Newest First.”
  • Join the conversation publicly or privately: You can choose to start a conversation so that it is seen by everyone, only people in your Circles, or just your bestie. Like Gmail, replies are threaded so you can easily follow conversations.
  • Easily moderate comments: If you also post videos on your channel, you’ll have new tools to review comments before they’re posted, block certain words or save time by auto-approving comments from certain fans.
If you're like the majority of people commenting on YouTube, you’ve already connected your account to a Google+ profile or page and can start commenting now. If you haven’t connected yet, you can do it here or learn more here. Remember, you’re in control of how you're seen publicly on YouTube, whether that’s keeping your current YouTube channel name, using your own name, or creating a new one.

Nundu Janakiram, Product Manager, and Yonatan Zunger, Principal Engineer, recently watched “Mexican Standoff (ft. Key & Peele).”

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Castle of Saladin

Castle of Saladin

Citadel of Salah al-Din , known as Castle Mountain is one of the most important features of Islamic Cairo and is located in the neighborhood of "castle" has been erected on one of onshore separated from the cliffs on the outskirts of Cairo, and is considered one of the most luxurious castles war which was built in the Middle Ages, It has a strategic place be class The first purpose of this site defensive important because it controls the cities of Cairo and Fustat , as it constitutes a natural barrier up between the two cities .Salahuddin was founded this castle on a hill from the cliffs , and completed just rebuilt his brother King in 1208 , in order to secure Cairo against possible invasions .The according to Salah al-Din completely in choosing the place of the castle, as it by putting high achieved overseeing the Cairo supervision fully , to the extent that its garrison was able to do two operations warships at one time , they tighten the internal front and head off to come out of obedience to the Sultan, and resist any attempts by foreign to seize Cairo.The fence set up by Saladin around Cairo to defend it against any external aggression , installations military mission that completed the role of the castle in the Middle Ages , a fence , which was discovered recently , after he took Salah al-Din (1171 - 1193 AD) ruled Egypt interested in build  area outside the Fatimid Cairo between the door Zuwaila and Ahmad Ibn Tulun Mosque , and dividing them into several lines , including line Darb al - Ahmar , which is still known by that name even today. This leads the collector region the Vanguards bin Rzyk , interest which is the last trace of the era of the Fatimids in Egypt

Genealogical texts

 Genealogical texts

Intended to texts which tell certain family ratios , usually has spread record proportions in the late Egyptian times , and its importance due to it helps to know the sequence of some of the kings that lived the families of the owners of these texts in the royal family . Among the most famous of these lineages, ratios priest lived in the twenty - second family, the inscription on the stone plate reserved Museum in Berlin. The priest said the names of 60 very front of the name of each of them the king, who sphincter. This cannot rely fully on these texts only after comparing to other sources to ensure the accuracy of their content information; And if all these sources, seven are not recorded, but the lives of kings , as is the case with inscriptions temples and royal tombs , the inscriptions graves of individuals in different eras and that exist in multiple areas contain a lot of inscriptions and scenes depicting the middle class and the working class and the peasantry. This effect are plentiful in Egypt and in foreign museums does not mean that it has been writing all chapters of ancient Egyptian history, filling all the gaps in it because the soil of Egypt is still hides a lot of treasures that will be disclosed to rewrite some chapters of this history.

Secrets of building the pyramids

Secrets of building the pyramids

The ancient Egyptians ancestors believe tamper with immortality, and they will live another life after the paradox of this world , and did everything in their power to keep their bodies , and they mummified believing that the presence of the body in proper condition necessary for the life of the other, as were the views of tools and dishes embossed on the stones until you real sacrifices that are necessary for the life of the body after death , and also carved statues and put them in tombs and temples in order to be a substitute for the mummy if it smashed or lost , and in the case of the return of the soul to it .Thus influences played a role in the activity of religious architecture, building tombs and care Ahram as immortal houses , they built of stone , while the palaces and houses built of mud - brick and burned as houses for low fleeting .The king had a special status in all phases of Egyptian history , especially in the era of the old state , he is not human normal , but it is the same sacred, the first representative of God on earth, and after his death, moving to a clique of gods in the other world, and become one of them , and this is what makes people in the building is dedicated to the royal pyramid .These pyramids , temples and cemeteries in and around the ruins that we see now was in one day full of priests who were giving offerings to the souls of kings and the public , and was one day illuminate what around wearing a pure white stone .Temples were also echoed hymns and prayers which saying it the priests while offerings and flowers cover the massacres , and the smell of incense increases the ambient sanctity of the place , but the inscriptions and colorful pictures on the walls of tombs and temples still a living witness to that movement which silent about over the years .It's really a great Pharaonic civilization.

Crystallized manifestations of religion and art in Egypt

Crystallized manifestations of religion and art in Egypt

Egypt was flourished which a strong central government also gone through periods of decay and disintegration can be summarized as follows:
Archaic period : Includes families 1 , 2, the era of the adoption of political unity and lay the foundations of Egyptian civilization on solid bases .
Old state : It includes families of 3-6 ( about 2690 - 2180 BC). An era full of Homeland Security , where Egypt has been able to reach the top of its glory in the science of medicine, astronomy and engineering is the era of the builders of the pyramids.
Followed by the Old Age of Diminished family reunion from 7 - 10 ( about 2180 - 2060 BC). , Fassadt the uncle of turmoil and chaos descended art and but flourished literature , and good princes managed to unite the country again and play .
Central State : include 11 - 14 ( about 2060 - 1710 BC).Interested in foreign policy, kings , and took control of Lower Nubia and carried out a massive irrigation projects .Second Intermediate Period and include Dynastic 15-17 ( about 1710 - 1560 BC). Signed by Egypt under the Hyksos occupation , to enable the good lords the liberation of their homeland thanks sincerely like Taa Ra and his two sons Kamose and Ahmose and these are considered the founders of the modern state.

Monday, November 4, 2013

YouTube announces YouTube Music Award winners

New York, NY: On Sunday, November 3 at Pier 36 in New York City, YouTube hosted the inaugural YouTube Music Awards, a celebration of music honoring the artists and songs that YouTube fans have turned into global hits over the past year. Unlike traditional award shows, this event presented live performances by top artists, alongside some of YouTube’s biggest stars, including Arcade Fire, Avicii, CDZA, Earl Sweatshirt, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Lindsey Stirling, M.I.A., Tyler, The Creator and Walk off the Earth.

Hosted by Jason Schwartzman and Reggie Watts and executive produced by VICE Media and Sunset Lane Entertainment, the event was lead by creative director Spike Jonze in collaboration with co-creative director Chris Milk, and directors Damien Kulash, Fafi, James Larese, Joe Sabia, Tyler the Creator, and Ray Tintori. The event was presented in partnership with Kia Motors Corporation.

In the run up to the YouTube Music Awards, four music events were also streamed from around the world on YouTube from Seoul, Moscow, London and Rio.

Modern day music fans from across the globe spoke loud and clear, casting winning votes for artists in the following categories:


Video of the Year: Girls' Generation - I Got A Boy
Recognizes this year’s biggest videos, based on what you watched, shared, liked and commented on.

Artist of the Year: Eminem
Honors the biggest acts of the last year on YouTube, based on total number of views, likes, shares, comments and subscribers.

Response of the Year: Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix - Radioactive
Recognizes the best fan remixes, covers or parodies, based on your views, likes, shares and comments.

YouTube Phenomenon: Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
Recognizes the YouTube videos that inspired the biggest number of fan responses.

YouTube Breakthrough: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Recognizes the biggest breakout acts on YouTube, based on artists with the highest growth in views and subscribers over the past year.

Innovation of the Year: DeStorm - See Me Standing
Recognizes some of the most unique concepts and creators in music videos on YouTube this year.

*Nominations for the YouTube Music Awards were announced on October 21, 2013, and based on YouTube data over the last 12 months from September 2012, with nominees representing the artists and videos with the highest levels of YouTube fan engagement, including views, likes, shares, comments, and subscriptions. Fans were able to vote from October 21 through the start of the Awards by sharing official YTMA nomination videos across Google+, Twitter and Facebook.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Get creative. Go nuts. Be in the YTMAs

The countdown is on. In just two days, we’ll host the first-ever YouTube Music Awards, celebrating the videos that you watched, shared, and loved the most over the past year.

Whether you’re crazy for Slim Shady, gaga for Gaga or cuckoo for K-Pop, this Sunday, November 3 show will have something for everyone. Each nomination category was created by your views, comments, likes, subscriptions and shares. (That’s how we ended up with six epic battles - check the data behind Video and Artist of the Year here!) Creative director Spike Jonze has loads of surprises up his sleeve, and co-hosts Jason Schwartzman and Reggie Watts are planning to bring you a night that’s as unique as your favorite playlist.

And YOU could be in it.

That’s right. We’re asking you to upload a video to for a chance to be featured. Check out Jason’s video for more on how your creativity could become a part of the big show:

If a video selfie isn’t your thing, there’s still time to participate. Vote for your favorite artists, songs and videos, at or by searching “YTMA” on YouTube.

And then join us! Starting at 5 a.m. ET on Sunday, tune in at to catch music events from Seoul, Moscow, London and Rio, culminating in the live event from Pier 36 in New York City at 6 p.m. ET.

See you there!

The YTMA Team recently watched “Be Part of the YTMAs - Jason Schwartzman Tells You How.”

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thundermist Lures is your October partner On The Rise

Congratulations to the team over at Thundermist Lures, our featured “On The Rise” partner for this month. Their channel and several of their videos are in the spotlight on the On The Rise homepage and the YouTube Spotlight channel today.

Thundermist Lure Company’s team of professional anglers--Claudio, Ivo, and Phil--have been fishing for more than 40 years. Their combined wealth of knowledge makes them expert guides when it comes to fishing tackle and methods, not to mention fishing for different types of fish and in different types of water. Whether you’re new to the sport or you’re out there winning tournaments every weekend, the team’s weekly videos are bound to entertain and educate. So why not check out a few of their videos? You can see how they reel ‘em in with the Viper Spoon or learn some secrets and tips about catching catfish. Of course, you may want to start with figuring out the best fishing rod for your next catch before you hit the open water.


Here are a few words from Ivo, the host of “Thundermist Fishing Tips:”

We love sharing knowledge and different fishing tips/techniques with you on a regular basis. Spending quality time with family and friends on the water fishing is one of our favorite pastimes and we've been doing just that on YouTube since 2007. We are finding that more and more people are writing in with questions, as they want to spend more time enjoying our great outdoors and the sport of fishing. Thanks to all your positive feedback and support over the years, our YouTube channel continues to grow. [Being featured as YouTube’s On The Rise partner] is an honor that we would like to jointly share with you as we equally deserve such recognition. Thank you and as always, until next time, good luck and good fishing.

If you’ve enjoyed this monthly blog series and are interested in learning more or participating, we encourage you to visit our On The Rise homepage. You can check out all of our past featured partners on the Featured Partners tab, or nominate a YouTube partner to be considered for the program on the Nominate tab. Feel free to submit nominations for your own channel, or for channels you follow that you think deserve more attention or could be the next YouTube sensation. We’ll continue to feature promising partners who drive YouTube watch time, have fewer than 100,000 subscribers, and produce engaging content on a regular basis.

Christine Wang and Devon Storbeck, YouTube Partner Support, recently watched “Baby LED light suit halloween costume preview.”